Archive for November, 2005

NTT FTTH subscriber additions exceed DSL

There is some eye opening data from FTTH ground zero - Japan. A public NTT (NTT) presentation indicates they are turning on new FTTH (GE-PON to be precise) subscribers at a higher rate than DSL.
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Standard Definition TV = AM Radio

Mark Cuban has a loooong post (more like an opus) about why HDTV will kill off SDTV and what he feels the post-apocalypse broadcasting landscape will look like. It’s a long read but worth it.

There are some valid points about why HDTV will rapidly take over SDTV, and some really interesting observations on how this will depreciate the value of some networks and some content libraries. It’s unfortunate that Cuban misses the fact that it may be HD IPTV delivery itself that is the catalyst for more widespread consumer fiber deployment in the US.
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iSuppli Xbox360 BOM

iSuppli has a BOM analysis up on the 360, no doubt a result of AnandTech’s hard work. Looks like Microsoft (MSFT) is using the hardware as a los